On the occasion of the National Days of Action against illiteracy, the Arrimage N.P.O. launched its new 2022-23 season of “ALBA” educational and cultural workshops with the aim of promoting writing and reading through a literary competition around the art book Aurore.

This action involves mainly to bring attetntion to the fight against illiteracy among sighted and blind people as well as raising awareness of visual disabilities among sighted people.

We are very happy to announce the results of our ALBA writing competition:

The winner of the “Adults” category is (text in French): « Le violon du Cœur » de Jean-Patrick BEAUFRETON

The winner of the “Middle School” category is (text in French): « La couleur des gammes » de Karine MARI

The jury would like to congratulate all the participants for the quality of their productions.

Thank you all for this great adventure!


With the support of Crédit Mutuel and the Crédit Mutuel Foundation.

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