For the International Day of Solidarity and Living Together in Peace, we were invited by Stéphane Lenormand - Member of Parliament for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon in the ‘Assemblée Nationale’ on the theme of "How to strengthen access to culture for people with visual disabilities/blind or visually impaired people”. The event took place in 3 stages:

 As president of the Arrimage Association, Claude Garrandes participated in a round table on access to culture for the blind and visually impaired. It was hosted by Thibaut de Martimprey for the APIDV association with numerous interventions and exchanges between actors involved in this action. The conclusions of this round table will be transmitted to the three Ministers: of Health, responsible for Disability and Culture in order to continue this work.

The screening of Anne Dorr's documentary, produced by Mr. Emmanuel Schlumberger - Bleu Krystal Média and broadcast by France 5: "Goldenberg - Garbowska and the city of the blind" still available on the France 5 replay and with numerous interventions by Patrick Chartroux and Claude Garrandes.

The exhibition “From Haptics to Optics, from touch to gaze” by Claude Garrandes and the presentation of “Paris at your fingertips” by APIDV, in the Questure salons.

Thanks to Stéphane Lenormand - Member of Parliament for Saint-Pierre and Miquelon for this day of sharing which allowed us to put forward avenues for reflection on access to culture for the visually impaired and blind.

Thanks to Thibaut de Martimprey for the quality of his mediation. Thanks to Anne Dorr for her great ability to connect people. Thanks to Emmanuel Schlumberger of Bleu Kristal Média and Stéphane Bridel Managing Director of the Disability & Society Fund. Thanks also to Malgorzata Mathis Mazurczak and the staff of the National Assembly for their professionalism and their attentive welcome, and thanks to Paul Béranger and Patrick Chartroux for their support in this Parisian adventure.