The main project for 2023 in terms of educational and cultural workshops took place throughout the year in partnership with the IME Les Terrasses ADSEA 06, thanks to the support of CPAM 06.

We allowed the public welcomed by the establishment (intellectually disabled people with average or profound mental retardation with or without associated disorders, including Pervasive Developmental Disorders and autistic people - boys and girls aged 6 to 20) to understand their surrounding space , thanks to other than vision sensory modality .

We achieved with them:

- Creating the establishment’s business card
- Creation of the menu presentation card for the catering workshop
- The design and production of a book presenting the various centers of the establishment

42 weeks of workshops in our premises, 2 workshop sessions for supervisors at the IME, an exhibition, a book delivery, not to mention the work of creating the various matrices, printing the embossings and assembling the books: which represents an hourly volume of volunteering of more than 750 hours.

Very important volume for a small association like ours of which we are very proud, because it clearly reflects the unfailing involvement of our volunteers.