Educational activities

 The english version of our site is not up to date yet, you could find more of our realisation on the french langage page

The Association Arrimage is particularly sensitive to problems related to education and culture, organizes workshops in partnership with the French Education Nationale and other organizations (NGOs, Museums, etc.).

Those are taking place either in the Association premises or on site.


Miniature d'illustrationOn the occasion of the exhibition "Building a Collection" at Villa Paloma in January 2015,


Miniature d'illustration The Ophthalmology Research Center (C.R.O.), an association under the 1901 law, organized an exhibition: "ART and VISION" from March 24 to 29 in the prestigious setting of the Cordeliers Research Center.

 Miniature d'illustration

Outstanding retrospective designed by the artists and coordinated by Cristiano Raimondi organized by Villa Paloma (N.M.N.M.)