Educational activities

 The english version of our site is not up to date yet, you could find more of our realisation on the french langage page

The Association Arrimage is particularly sensitive to problems related to education and culture, organizes workshops in partnership with the French Education Nationale and other organizations (NGOs, Museums, etc.).

Those are taking place either in the Association premises or on site.


On October 31, 2023, we held an educational and cultural workshop on relief art, at the invitation of the Médiathèque des Quatre Chemins de la Trinité

On Wednesday, October 25, the filming of a scene from the documentary that director Anne Dorr dedicated to the Goldenberg-Garbowska couple took place in the workshop of our friend Gabriel Martinez.

The main project for 2023 in terms of educational and cultural workshops took place throughout the year in partnership with the IME Les Terrasses ADSEA 06, thanks to the support of CPAM 06.