Educational activities

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The Association Arrimage is particularly sensitive to problems related to education and culture, organizes workshops in partnership with the French Education Nationale and other organizations (NGOs, Museums, etc.).

Those are taking place either in the Association premises or on site.


On March 9, 2019, we had the pleasure of receiving François d'Agay, president of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Foundation for Youth, godson and nephew of the famous writer-aviator, and his family, as well as Nicolas Delsalle, General Delegate of FASEJ in our local in Nice.

We conducted educational workshops, for the blinds and visually impaired, and open to all, based on the Little Prince at the Morgan Library & Museum.
The purpose of these workshops is to make everyone discover relief art, and take as starting point Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Little Prince.

Miniature d'illustrationAs part of the festivities related to the Chinese New Year and the 55th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, the City of Nice hosted a magnificent dance show performed by Chinese children at the Nice Opera.